Dr. Candida Fink

Welcome to FinkShrink.com


New Patient Registration Form 

Please fill out the following form, print a copy, sign it, and bring it with you to the first appointment. Although some fields are optional, please provide as much information as possible, so we can more easily contact you when necessary.

Online forms are provided as a convenience for patients who choose to use them, but these forms are not secure. Secure forms are currently in development. If you do not feel comfortable entering your information online, you can print a paper copy of the form and either fax it to our office at
914-633-5406 or bring it to your next appointment.

The fields marked with (*) are required fields.

Patient Name *
Date of Birth *
Parent or Guardian
Name(s) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home Phone *
Mom Work Phone
Mom Mobile Phone
Mom Email Address
Dad Work Phone
Dad Mobile Phone
Dad Email Address
Child Mobile Phone
Child Email Address
Pediatrician Name
Pediatrician Phone
Pediatrician Email
Person Responsible for Payment *
Your Name *