The following guidelines will help you organize your appointment time and phone conversations with me, so I can be the best help to you. I've noticed that one thing that really challenges my ability to be helpful to my patients is multiple, small interruptions during the day.
For all non-urgent matters that arise between visits, please contact Carol – my assistant. She can be reached by phone: 877-534-1090 or by email:
Non urgent matters include the following:
You may request refills and appointments by calling or emailing Carol or by completing and submitting the form online. To access a form, click its link on the left.
If you feel we need to speak by phone before our next visit, please ask Carol to arrange a brief phone conversation. There will be a $35. fee for the phone call which will typically last less than 5 minutes.
If you have a quick question that can be handled by email you may email me at Please note that Carol sees all of my email as she helps me keep track of email messages.
If the email is brief, there is no charge. If it requires a more in-depth discussion, I may suggest a phone call as above, or if we proceed with email, I will charge for my time and will let you know that there will be a fee, which will vary based on the needs of the email interaction.
For urgent matters – those that must be addressed the same day – please do the following:
Examples of urgent matters include the following:
If you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please call 911 and also call my cell phone and leave a message.
Thank you for your understanding. These guidelines will enable me to be available to serve you best.
Communication via email and online forms is offered as a convenience for patients who choose to use them. You should be aware that email messages and any data you enter via our online forms are not sent over encrypted connections, and the possibility exists, however minimal, that an unauthorized individual may be able to intercept this information. We are not responsible for the privacy of email messages or of information entered via our online forms except for the data stored in our office.
Currently, we are exploring options to develop more secure online forms and email communications and will notify patients via this Web site of any developments.